OSCustomization for VM builds using PowerCLI

VM builds are probably the boring tasks that are repeatedly done by any vSphere Admins be it in Lab or Production, so it’s a good idea to automate them and spend time on better things. In this post i will be showing the script that i have been using since many years when i come across those VM builds and it only takes less than 5 min to create a VM – love automation!

In order to use the script, we need to actually create a OS customization first and this is a one time task and also we need to have a Windows VM Template created. Once you have it just bring up the PowerShell console and use the below script, the script prompts for VM name, Reserved IP, Windows Version and VM port group information and once you enter them and that’s it.

This script deploys a VM from template, joins the Domain;Uses VMware built-in OS Customization. Tested for Windows Server 2008 R2 and 2012 R2.
Script prompts for name of the VM you want to deploy, IP, VLAN and Windows Version
Tested on PowerCLI v6

[string]$VMName = (Read-Host "Enter the Name of the VM "), 
[string]$VMIP = (Read-Host "Enter the IP reserved for the VM "),
[string]$PortGroup = (Read-Host "Enter the VLAN for the VM, example 10 "),
[string]$Winver = (Read-Host "Enter the Windows version, example 2012 ")

#Import PowerCLI Module
Import-Module VMware.PowerCLI

# Connect to vCenter
Connect-VIServer vcenter.vmmaster.local

# Choose the right nicmapping for the vlan
if ($PortGroup -eq 10)
$vmvlan = 10
$pgnicmapping = "vlan10" 
$vmGateway = "<IP Here>"
elseif ($PortGroup -eq 20)
$vmvlan = 20
$pgnicmapping = "vlan20"
$vmGateway = "<IP Here>"

# Choose the right template
if ($Winver -eq 2008)
$vmTemplate =Get-Template -Name Template_Win_2008R2
$vmTemplate = Get-Template -Name Template_Win_2012R2

#Select Prod Cluster
$vmCluster = Get-Cluster -Name <Cluster Name>

#Select a Random Datastore connected to Prod Cluster
$vmDatastore = $vmCluster | Get-Datastore | Where {($_.ExtensionData.Summary.MultipleHostAccess -eq "True") -and ($_.FreeSpaceMB -gt "102400") -and ($_.State -ne "Maintenance")} | Get-Random

#Clone the Customization Spec
$vmSpecification = Get-OSCustomizationSpec -Name Windows_Builds | New-OSCustomizationSpec -Name WindowsTemp -Type NonPersistent

#Update the portgroup and gateway based on the VLAN entered
$tempnicmapping = Get-OSCustomizationSpec $vmSpecification | Get-OSCustomizationNicMapping | Set-OSCustomizationNicMapping -ipmode UseStaticIP -IpAddress $VMIP -SubnetMask -DefaultGateway $vmGateway -Dns <DNS IPs here>

#Build the VM
New-VM -Name $VMName -Template $vmTemplate -OSCustomizationSpec $vmSpecification -ResourcePool $vmCluster -Datastore $vmDatastore -DiskStorageFormat Thin

Write-Host " New VM Details `n Name:`t $VMName `n OS:`t Windows Server $Winver R2 `n IPAddress:`t $VMIP `n Datastore:`t $vmDatastore" -ForegroundColor Gray

Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

#Set the right portgroup for the VM
Get-VM $VMName | Get-NetworkAdapter -Name "Network adapter 1" | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $pgnicmapping -Confirm:$false -StartConnected:$True

#Power On the VM for the customization to start
Write-Host " Powering on the VM $VMName" -ForegroundColor Green
$vm = Start-VM $VMName -Confirm:$false

Write-Host "`n Waiting for the customization to complete! Monitor the console to see the progress.......... `n" -ForegroundColor Green

while (Get-VM $VMName | where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"})
$vmEvents = Get-VIEvent -Entity $VMName
$succeeded = $vmEvents | Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "CustomizationSucceeded" }
$failed = $vmEvents | Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "CustomizationFailed" }

if ($failed)
Write-Host " Customization failed!" -ForegroundColor Red
return $False

Write-Host " Customization Complete!" -ForegroundColor Green
return $True

Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 

If you are interested in procedure for creating Customization Specification, here it is. Adding batch files that can install and configure config management tools like Puppet, Chef in the Run Once section will actually ensure all the needed configurations are present for the application.

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Hope this was informative. Thanks!

Sysprep fails to Run with Fatal Error

Hello all! Many of you might have come across this situation atleast once in your lifetime if you are a Windows admin dealing with system imaging often. Sysprep is a wonderful tool that we all love to use when it comes to erase system specific info like SID leaving all the application related stuff intact. This is also very helpful for those who does a lot of template builds. So, in this post we are going to know about how we get around with a Sysprep issue. Continue reading →

#fatal-error, #generalizationstate, #panther, #skip-rearm, #sysprep

Convert Windows 2008 R2 Standard to Enterprise

In this post, we see how DISM can be used to convert a Windows 2008 R2 Standard Edition to  Enterprise Edition. The situation to upgrade OS occurs very often and many a times people end up reinstalling the OS. The reason for upgrade is obvious that there are many features that are locked out on the Standard Edition and one main limitation on the Standard Edition is the Memory limitation of 32GB and to make use of the licensing model for virtual machines using Hyper-V. So let’s see how the version can be upgraded without reimaging the OS. Continue reading →

#dism, #kms, #slmgr-vbs, #standard-to-enterprise, #version-upgrade, #windows-2008-r2

Windows 2008 R2 as an iSCSI Target

The Windows Server 2012 server has a built in option to make it as a iSCSI target server and in this post we shall see how we can use Windows 2008 R2 as an iSCSI target. Remember, no previous versions of 2008 R2 supports this, including Windows 2008.

Just as a note, i have a nic card added to my virtual windows server dedicated for iSCSI named as Storage and has an IP Continue reading →

Convert Server Core to and from Full GUI version

In this post, we will see how a Server Core version can be converted to a full GUI version and back. Unlike earlier versions, Windows Server 2012 R2 provides an option to convert back and forth saving a lot of time and this comes very handy at times.

You would need the Windows Server 2012 R2 image for this process.

Server Core version launches command prompt as the home screen as below. Type Powershell to change to PS mode. Continue reading →

Installing Windows Server 2012 R2

This post will help you install a Windows Server 2012 R2 server, for demo purposes i will make use of VMware Workstation. Here the installation is fairly simple and straight forward. Make sure you have a Windows Server 2012R2 DVD or iso to continue with the installation. So let’s get started. Continue reading →